Because childminders only look after a small number of children, they can offer more individual attention than nurseries or kids' clubs. They can easily meet children's individual needs, sleeping patterns or homework projects.
Childminders can cope with a baby's sleeping and feeding patterns. They can also offer all the time, attention and patience needed when babies are learning to walk, talk, feed themselves or use a potty.
Children often stay with the same childminder from being a baby to starting secondary school, so they benefit from the kind of stability other sorts of childcare don't provide. Childminding also allows parents to form a stable, ongoing relationship with their children's carer.
Because childminders care for all ages, brothers and sisters can be looked after together, which makes life easier for the whole family. All children learn from being around other children of different ages. And children from different families who are looked after by the same childminder often form friendships that last into adulthood.
Many childminders look after children from early in the morning until late in the evening. This means children whose parents don't work from 9 to 5 can enjoy consistent care with the same carer. Childminders are also willing to take children to playgroups, nurseries, schools and clubs, and to pick them up.
Because childminders don't follow a strict timetable, they can be spontaneous. An unexpected sunny or snowy day is a great opportunity for outdoor play and learning. And if the children are feeling tired or under the weather, they can curl up and take it easy, just like they would at home.
Children looked after by childminders enjoy real-life experiences like cooking, shopping, gardening, mealtimes and outings to the park and library. From these everyday activities the children can learn basic science, maths, social skills and language skills.
As childminders live locally, your child can go to nearby toddler clubs, playgroups and after-school clubs with their friends and stay part of the local community. Childminders are part of the local community too, and take account of its varying cultural needs.

Children often stay with the same childminder from being a baby to starting secondary school, so they benefit from the kind of stability other sorts of childcare don't provide. Childminding also allows parents to form a stable, ongoing relationship with their children's carer.
Because childminders care for all ages, brothers and sisters can be looked after together, which makes life easier for the whole family. All children learn from being around other children of different ages. And children from different families who are looked after by the same childminder often form friendships that last into adulthood.
Many childminders look after children from early in the morning until late in the evening. This means children whose parents don't work from 9 to 5 can enjoy consistent care with the same carer. Childminders are also willing to take children to playgroups, nurseries, schools and clubs, and to pick them up.

Children looked after by childminders enjoy real-life experiences like cooking, shopping, gardening, mealtimes and outings to the park and library. From these everyday activities the children can learn basic science, maths, social skills and language skills.
As childminders live locally, your child can go to nearby toddler clubs, playgroups and after-school clubs with their friends and stay part of the local community. Childminders are part of the local community too, and take account of its varying cultural needs.